Emergency Orders

Domestic violence is a serious problem that should be addressed immediately. Your safety as well as your family’s safety should be your number one priority. If you have been the victim of domestic violence or the threat of domestic violence, please contact me as quickly as you can so my staff and I can make arrangements to have you see me as quickly as possible. I am an experienced attorney who understands that additional protection is needed from the court system when dealing with family problems.
An attempt or the threat to relocate the children away from the area that they are accustomed to should be addressed immediately. Depending on the status of your case, whether this would be a new case for if you have an existing case, the attempt to relocate the children by the other parent may be improper. If the other parent has left the area court is ready to leave the area you should call my office to schedule a consultation so we can take immediate action if necessary to prevent the relocation of the other parent or an alternative to have the court returned the children to an area defined by the court.
If your spouse is spending money excessively, transferring property, or hiding property or your access to it you should take action to prevent the wasting of community property assets. This could be a sign that your spouse is intending to file for divorce. This would be an important time to sit down and talk with an experienced attorney like me. This way you discuss the facts of your case and develop an understanding of your rights and responsibilities in these situations. Then, together we can develop a plan of what action needs to be taken in your individual case.

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