Termination of Parental Rights

Texas law provides for the termination of parental rights under a very long list of reasons. Knowing and understanding what reasons may apply to your case is very important in advising you how to go forward. The termination of parental rights can sometimes be a simple process because the other party wishes to terminate their parental rights, to free the child up for adoption by a stepparent. In other situations, may involve contested court hearings where the parent seeking to terminate parental rights has to overcome burdens that are higher than normal civil litigation, and ensure that all the constitutional protections the other parent has have been adhered to. Whatever situation you are facing, if you are considering the termination of another parent’s rights, make an appointment with me so we can sit down and discuss the unique facts of your case to see if this is an option that you should pursue.


I know the joy associated with adding a new child to the family, but he also understands the difficulties that come along with an adoption. I want to help you adopt the child you want, and he takes the steps to make the adoption process as smooth as possible, so you can get through the adoption process and begin caring for your new family.

Emergency Orders

Domestic violence is a serious problem that should be addressed immediately. Your safety as well as your family’s safety should be your number one priority. If you have been the victim of domestic violence or the threat of domestic violence, please contact me as quickly as you can so my staff and I can make arrangements to have you see me as quickly as possible. I am an experienced attorney who understands that additional protection is needed from the court system when dealing with family problems.

Child Support and Custody

Your children are the most important people in your life, and you would do anything to protect them. I understand the anxiety and conflict that family problems can cause, especially when it comes to your children. I will take the necessary steps to ensure that your children are provided for and that you are able to maintain the best relationship possible with your child. I am very understanding of your circumstances, and I am also a very strong advocate during the litigation process. I will make sure that both your rights and the rights of your children are protected. I have experience in a wide variety of child support and child custody issues, including the following

I have experience in a wide variety of child support and child custody issues, including the following:

Divorce & Prenuptial Agreements

I make it my personal mission to help families facing divorce work through their family law issues and adapt to their new family situations. I know that divorce can be a painful and emotionally draining process and I will do whatever I can to help you get through this difficult time. When you contact me, I will sit down with you to discuss your situation and come up with the best strategy to develop a favorable separation situation considering your unique facts. I will then use my knowledge and experience to zealously represent you during negotiations, mediation or trial. Should your divorce proceedings escalate to a trial, we will use our family law litigation experience and strong knowledge of the law to protect your rights in the courtroom.

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